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Donate to The LutheranHANDS Foundation!

LutheranHANDS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation which depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to fulfill its mission.  We are in need of your support.  Your donations are tax deducatable and will be used to reduce costs for volunteers, award financial aide to those volunteers in need, and to grow LutheranHANDS to accomodate more volunteers in the future!

Want to send a check or money order instead?

We will gladly accept a donation in the form of check or money order.  Please be sure to include an email address where we can send a receipt.


Make your check or money to "LutheranHANDS"


And mail it to:


The LutheranHANDS Foundation

Attn:  Donations

P.O. Box 644

Hummelstown, PA 17036

Got Questions?

If you have questions about our donation process, getting receipts, or the use of donated funds - please contact Jason Pringle, CFO,

Are you a business, institution, or other organization wishing to make a contribution?

We know there are great organizations and businesses wishing to make contributions to not-for-profits.  If you represent one of those businesses, please contact us.  We would love to have you as a corporate partner and feature your business on our website.

Contact Jason Pringle, CFO,

We need your help!

We are in need of help in finding benefactors, introducing people to LutheranHANDS, and sending volunteers on mission trips.  We have lots of great ways to give to LutheranHANDS but we can never have enough people to advocate for us and screaming our name from the mountaintop.  Everyone is invited to Campaign for Us in one of a few ways...

Become a Fundraiser

Using the power of email and social media, you can raise funds for LutheranHANDS.  Simply click on the link to the right and share our fundraising campaign on Facebook and Twitter.  You can even set up your own fundraising page and challenge your friends to a fundraising contest!  It's easy and fun!  Best of all, you can make a big difference in the future of LutheranHANDS.

Invite us to your Congregation or Business

Every year businesses give millions to causes their employees care about.  Congregations give to causes their members care about.  LutheranHANDS wants to be an option for your institutions' philanthropic giving so invite us over to so we can introduce ourselves!  Our team is prepared to present to you who we are, what we do, and how we are going to continue to help thousands of community members and volunteers in the future.  Whether it's to your Board of Directors, your Senior Leadership Team, Philanthropy Committee, Church Council, or entire congregation - LutheranHANDS can be there to state our case and win over your hearts.


Email Kay Hinkle today to schedule a visit or to learn more -

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